New Lengths

6 Month Natural Update!!


Well first off, I'd like to start by saying Happy November!

And so, it's been 6 months--oh, how time flies!

My sentiments so far? I am still very happy with my decision to go through this journey (thank you, older sister!)

My hair has definitely grown longer and healthier, which I'll show later on, but here's a little video in the mean time. 

Happy Thursday, all.


Natural Hair Journey


So, I've decided to join...

the natural hair side!! DUN DUN DUN.

One of the biggest regrets I'd had in life was relaxing my hair...especially doing so at the young age of 7. When asked if I wanted a relaxer, I looked at my cousin's hair (that had been relaxed) and eagerly accepted to have that "swing." Little did I know, that swing would soon stop when there was no hair left to swing with.

My hair slowly, but surely, began to break off...especially in the crown region.

I flip-flopped between going natural and reverting back to a perm. And when it seemed like I'd finally go through with it...the hairdresser said I needed a relaxer and couldn't get with the hairstyle I asked her for without it.

In other words, she didn't know how to deal with natural hair. -__-

My mistake? Allowing myself to believe her. Now this was March 2011...and this was the last relaxer I've ever received. I had been transitioning for 14 months, leaving my hair in braids all the while:

From there on out, I vowed to never get a relaxer again...

SO FINALLY ON APRIL 1, 2012 I DECIDED TO DO THE BIG CHOP! (Below are pictures immediately before and during the Chop)

These were my results!

I don't know about you other naturals, but I'd say this is one of the best decisions I've made in my life!

I'd definitely like to invite you to join me on my journey of being natural, too! Here, I'll update you on the "lengths" and obstacles I must overcome in maintaining healthy hair with a fresh start.
